Second OTKA Research Grant (2021-2025)

The Combustion Research Group has won a second OTKA (Hungarian Scientific Reserch Fund) grant for four additional years, entitled Optical investigation of distributed combustion. It covers an upgrade of few parts (advanced optical tools, Coriolis flow meter, misc parts for a borrowed PIV system) and supports the researchers working on this project. The ultimate goal is to understand the characteristics of distributed combustion better in our novel burner.


ÚNKP Grants (2021-2022)

Dávid Csemány won a 5 month PhD Student grant for multicomponent surrogate mixture formulation of renewable liquid fuels. Gyöngyvér Hidegh also won a 12 month PhD Student grant for the experimental investigation of distributed combustion for various alternative liquid fuels. Erika Rácz won a 5 month MSc student grant for the final semester of her studies on atomization research.


ÚNKP Grants (2019-2021)

Three ÚNKP grants were won by the members of the CRG. Viktor Józsa received another 10-month grant for the investigation of evaporation characteristics of various renewable liquid fuels and the chemiluminescence emission of their combustion.  Dávid Csemány and Gyöngyvér Hidegh also won a 5-5 month PhD Student grant for the analysis of measurement uncertainty in liquid fuel evaporation measurements and combined chemiluminescence and acoustic signal evaluation of renewable liquid fuels.

Dávid Csemány and Gyöngyvér Hidegh won a 12-12 month PhD Student grant for experimental analysis on thermophysical and transport properties of renewable liquid fuels influencing spray formation and droplet vaporization and investigation of pollutant emission characteristics and  chemiluminescence signal evaluation of alternative liquid fuels, focusing on biodiesels from various feedstocks.


ÚNKP Grants (2018-2019)

Viktor Józsa has won an extension grant for his János Bolyai Research Grant, aiming the support of researchers at the universities. The Bolyai+ grant is supporting the researcher for two semesters, 10 months in total.T he research is focusing on the spray cone angle of an airblast atomizer and the investigation of existing evaporation models available in the literature and extend them by the results of distillation measurement data.

Dávid Csemány has also won a 10 month ÚNKP Grant for PhD students for investigating the evaporation characteristics of multi-component fuels and deriving surrogate mixtures.


NVIDIA Corporation has donated a Quadro P6000 GPU to the research group via the GPU grant program

The combustion research group has won a Quadro P6000 GPU for simulation purposes. It has 24 GB VRAM, 3840 CUDA cores, and its FP32 performance peaks at 12 TFLOPS.

This massive GPGPU will be used for simulating various processes in liquid fuel combustion. However, its performance exceeds that of any commercial CPUs, utilizing all of its capabilities is a rather challenging task since the communication between the GPU and the CPU is characterized by low bandwidth.


OTKA Research Grant (2017-2021)

The Combustion Research Group has won an OTKA (Hungarian Scientific Reserch Fund) grant for four years. It covers the construction of a new combustion test facility for liquid and gaseous fuels besides financial support of the researchers.

The grant requires the informing of the public via the web, therefore, this site was coming to live mostly for this purpose. However, the continuously growing research activity will greatly benefit from this platform.


János Bolyai Research Grant of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2017-2020)

After getting his PhD, Viktor Józsa applied for few national grants to continue combustion research in Hungary. The first succesful application was for the János Bolyai Research Grant of the Hungarian Academy of sciences.

The three year period focuses on acoustical research, using a liquid-fueled lean premixed prevaporized burner.
