Conference Contributions
Experimental investigation of waste cooking oil combustion in a novel turbulent swirl burner
Gyöngyvér Hidegh, Dávid Csemány, Attila Kun-Balog, Viktor Józsa, Cheng Tung Chong
14th European Combustion Meeting, 14-15. April, 2021, Naples, Italy, REAL: 130000
Numerical modeling of waste cooking oil biodiesel combustion in a turbulent swirl burner
Dániel Füzesi, Dávid Csemány, Cheng Tung Chong, Viktor Józsa
14th European Combustion Meeting, 14-15. April, 2021, Naples, Italy, REAL: 129998
Numerical analysis of biogas combustion in a lean premixed swirl burner
Dániel Füzesi, Viktor Józsa
14th International Youth Conference on Energy, 3-9. July, 2019, Bled, Slovenia, REAL: 114949
Investigation of the effect of swirl number on combustion (in Hungarian, Perdületszám égésre gyakorolt hatásának elemzése)
András Urbán, Bálint Katona, Viktor Józsa
14th International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment, 8-12. September, 2019, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, REAL: 103313
Investigation of the effect of swirl number on combustion (in Hungarian, Perdületszám égésre gyakorolt hatásának elemzése)
Dániel Füzesi, Viktor Józsa
OGET 2019: XXVII. Nemzetközi Gépészeti Konferencia, 25-28. April, 2019, Nagyvárad, Romania, REAL: 93714
Uncertainty of droplet evaporation measurements and its effect on model validation
Dávid Csemány, Viktor Józsa
Temporal and spectral correlation of acoustic and chemiluminescent signal of a liquid-fueled turbulent swirl burner
Gyöngyvér Hidegh, Viktor Józsa
Determination of the minimal acoustic signal length for fast-acting control of a liquid-fueled turbulent swirl burner by Wavelet and Fourier transform
Gergely I. Novotni, Viktor Józsa
Evaluation of material property estimating methods of n-alkanes, primary alcohols, and methyl esters
Dávid Csemány, István Gujás, Viktor Józsa
First International Conference on Smart Energy Carriers, 21-23. January, 2019, Naples, Italy, REAL: 90680
Correlation of chemiluminescent signal and pollutant emission of a liquid-fueled turbulent swirl burner
Gyöngyvér Hidegh, Viktor Józsa
First International Conference on Smart Energy Carriers, 21-23. January, 2019, Naples, Italy, REAL: 90678
Acoustic peak frequency analysis of a swirling diesel oil flame (in Hungarian, Perdületes dízelolaj láng akusztikai csúcsfrekvenciáinak elemzése)
Gergely I. Novotni, Viktor Józsa
OGET 2018: XXVI. Nemzetközi Gépészeti Konferencia, 26-29. April, 2018, Marosvásárhely, Romania, REAL: 84634
Acoustical characterization of the blowout of turbulent diesel oil combustion
Viktor Józsa
XXIII International Symposium on Combustion Processes, 3-6. September, 2017, Rynia, Poland, REAL: 84603